
Self-contained portable lamp system
To be made available in public spaces
Diverse atmospheres and tones
Selene by Imago

Portable autonomous lamps are available in public spaces.
When turned through 90°, they can be used to light the way ahead, or to see the ground for orientation.

In total or partial darkness, it is then possible to discern the presence of other users
of other road users, and to understand the night-time environment in complete safety.
Reading the environment in this way makes it easier to stroll, walk and meet people…
The lamps are easy to handle and transport, and feature a swivel handle that facilitates both mobility and static positioning. The organic, friendly design of these small, luminous objects creates empathy and encourages their use.
They signal the presence of users on evening walks. An optional accessory attached to the handle allows part of the light dome to be concealed when the lamp is in place.

The Selenes are available in two versions:
dimmable 2200K white light or
colored light with 3 pre-programmed, dimmable moods.

Each mood is designed for different uses and rhythms.

In the white light version, dimming enables contrast management and adaptation to different lighting environments.

Each Sélène features 2700K lighting, directed towards the floor, which can be activated as required.

The lamps are suspended from a base installed on existing lighting masts, structures, passenger shelters, walls or docking stations.
The base recharges the lamp. It remotely signals the presence of the lamp.

The base also emits a beacon of light, directed towards the ground.

This night-light marks out public spaces and highlights night-time perspectives,
reassures and counterbalances night-time extinction.

The portable lamp switches off automatically when it returns to its base, so as not to disturb the ambient darkness.

Each portable lamp is secure, identifiable and geolocatable.

Simple, intuitive management for the user,
via smartphone control

– Public spaces in the city, on the outskirts and in the countryside
– Eco-districts
– Condominiums
– National and regional nature parks
– Public and private historic and natural estates
– Campuses
– Leisure parks and zoos
– Major event sites (festivals, sports competitions)

Lighting design: Roger Narboni
Design: Gaïa Lemmens
Product development: IMAGO, Odeli, InocOm3D